Sunday 14 November 2010

First Fair

I did my first fair today - in Nantwich - with lots of help from Carol and Roy (thank you!).  I was really nervous before-hand, but had lots of lovely feedback and we sold several houses.  I completely ran out of cards (designed by Peter), and quite a few people spent time going through my 'back catalogue' - a photo album of past projects. Incredibly tired aftewards.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Panic stations!

Although I've been to lots of fairs over the years, I've never had my own stall before.  So next week, when I'm taking some of my houses to the dollshouse fair in Nantwich (, will be a first.  And I'm starting to panic.  The houses themselves are just about ready, and the photo shows the first practice layout on the dining room table at home.  Will everything fit? How do you make the stall look attractive? How will they all fit in the car....?

ps - Hello Michelle! (my one and only blog follower, so far...)

Saturday 30 October 2010

My loyal assistant...

Or 'surely it's time for a walk by now?'

Charlie gets very very excited everytime I get out the saw as we've got into the habit of my sawing outside (cold at this time of year) and taking little breaks to wack tennis balls up the garden for him.  Now, any suggestion of marking up wood for a new dollshouse must mean playtime for him.

Sunday 24 October 2010

Old review

Altrincham was good this morning - met up with some friends and I bought some wallpaper, stairs, furniture and other bits and bobs. They should come in handy for the house I'm building at the moment.

Just got a shock - I hadn't realised that this magazine article I wrote several years ago for The Dolls House Magazine was posted on the Dolls House Emporium Blog last December. It was great fun building, and also fun to have something published!

First post...

This is my first attempt at web/blog stuff.  I aim to use this as a kind of diary of projects on the go and dolls house events.  Today I'm off to the dolls house fair at Altrincham, where I've been going for years, looking forward to meeting some old friends and getting some inspiration.

The photo to the left is of a recent project of mine called Lavender Cottage