Friday 27 May 2011

The Old Boathouse Mark 3!

Here is another version of the Old Boathouse - like Sea View this cottage created a lot of interest so I have made another one but slightly different to the previous two versions. I have added porthole type windows in the gable walls for a bit of extra interest - I think they work really well. If you look really closely at the windows you can see a reflection of our dog Charlie who was lying on the grass next to me when I was taking the photos!

Thursday 26 May 2011

Harbour View

Here is Harbour View, a new 1/12th scale cottage just finished. I had such a lot of interest in Sea View with its little outbuilding that I decided to make another cottage in a similar style - but not exactly the same! Harbour View has stairs and a lovely wobbly roof - just like a real old cottage. Can you see the wonderful house sign Julie Lawton made for me? Her work is amazing - each tiny sign is a work of art in itself.
I am just completing another version of the Old Boathouse and a little 1/24th scale cottage with a dormer window. I like to keep busy!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

1/12th Scale Lavender Cottage

This is Lavender Cottage, a recent project which has just been sold on ebay. This is quite a big house for me. I usually stick to small cottages - one or two rooms at the most - so five rooms is a bit of a change. I wanted to create the feeling of a real house - one where you can look through and see another room beyond - so that's how the scullery came about. This cottage really is magical when the lights are on as you can see the oil lamp in the scullery shining through the kitchen door. I added one of Julie Lawton's wonderful house name signs on the front of the cottage and, of course the beautiful lavender plant from the very talented Marianne.

1/24th Scale Harbour Cottage and Anchor Cottage

I've been busy building two new 1/24th scale houses and here they are. I would like to have a street of little houses like these on a book shelf and then have them all lit up at night. Even my husband likes houses at this scale - they take up so little room compared to 1/12th scale! Hope you can see the wonderful plants in pots made by Marianne - they are perfect in every detail.

Friday 6 May 2011

1/12th Scale 'Sea View' Cottage and Outbuilding

This is 'Sea View' which is my latest 1/12th scale cottage. It started life as just the basic cottage but then I decided to add the outbuilding and yard to one side - I imagined a fisherman sitting mending his nets surrounded by lobster pots. I am going back to 1/24th scale for my next houses which will make a nice change - much easier to lift than this one!!
I hope you can see the wonderful house sign made expecially for me by the very talented Julie Lawton. If only I could add links I would direct you to her fantastic etsy shop and also her ebay items (where she sells under the name cottagekitty333). I have just listed 'Sea View' on ebay where there are more photos if you would like to take a look.