Thursday 23 June 2011

Cockleshell Cottage

I had so much fun building Barnacle Cottage that I made another little house - similar in style but with different windows and a new colour for the paintwork. It's called 'Duck Egg Blue' and it makes a nice change from my usual favourite shades of blue and green. Once again my sailor (made by Robin Britton) is inspecting the premises to see if he would like to buy!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Barnacle Cottage

This is Barnacle Cottage, a new 1/12th scale property just gone on ebay. I had great fun building this particular house. I knew what I wanted it to look like right from the start so it seemed much easier than those houses where I sort of design as I go along. As you can see I have a prospective new occupant viewing the place. My lovely sailor was made by Robin Britton of Coombe Crafts. Have a look at her website and blog (if only I could do the link thing I could direct you to the right place!!) Her dolls are so full of character. My sailor has been homeless for a while and I think he is tempted to move in to Barnacle Cottage right away.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Anchor Cottage

This is 'Anchor Cottage', a new house in 1/12th scale just completed and listed on ebay last night. I was aiming for a simple cottage style with small windows and a basic layout inside so the new occupants could add details to their own taste. I tried a new shade of blue on the windows and door - I think it looks suitably seasidey - and I have added another of Julie Lawton's amazing name plates on the house front.

Saturday 4 June 2011

'Rose Cottage'

This is 'Rose Cottage', a 1/12th scale house just completed and ready to go on ebay. This was going to be a simple one up one down cottage when I first cut it out but then I decided to add the scullery to one side. Then of course I had to add the little garden as well. It's nice to have that little bit of outdoor space.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

1/24th Scale 'Shrimp Cottage'

As a change from building 1/12th scale houses I always try and have a 24th scale one in progress and this is my latest. I know I've said before what a pleasure it is to build at this scale - I just can't 'play' with them this small! It's great taking photos of my houses at this time of year because the garden looks so good in the background!