Thursday 26 January 2012

What do you do when there's no more room.......?

As I mentioned in my last posting, Paula had just enough space left in Quayside for one more house - Seashell Cottage - but with a little rearranging of the other houses another very very small slot became available. Not enough for a full building but just room for a house front and here it is alongside Seashell Cottage. Originally intended to be a pub I believe it is now earmarked as a florists shop. With Paula's talent for design I'm sure it will look wonderful!

1/12th Scale 'Seashell Cottage'

This is 'Seashell Cottage', my latest 1/12th scale dolls house built as a special order for my friend Paula. There was just a small space left in Quayside (her seaside village) for one more house and this little cottage is the result! I think it's going to be furnished with lots of lovely 'shabby chic' style accessories - I can't wait to see how it turns out. It will be gorgeous I know!

Monday 16 January 2012

1/12th Scale 'Dandelion Cottage'

Just listed on ebay - 'Dandelion Cottage' - my latest 1/12th scale dolls house. I saw this name on a cottage in a local village whilst out walking the dog and I thought it would make a great name for my new dolls house. I think the weather must be too cold for Sam and Miss Marple - there's no sign of them viewing this new property on the market.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Harbourside #2

I had a special request to build another Harbourside cottage exactly the same as the one I did just before Christmas and here it is. It was so cold yesterday when I took this photo that I managed to get condensation on the cottage window downstairs - it all adds to the realism!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

1/12th Scale Shop Unit - Undecorated

After listing my last little shop on ebay I was asked if I could make something similar but without decoration and here it is. I did warn the customer that my woodworking skills are very limited and I do rely heavily on the use of plaster and papier mache to hide all the lumps and bumps and wobbly sawing but I am quite pleased with how this turned out. The window and door have been left loose to make decoration easier.

1/24th Scale 'The Old Boathouse'

Another little 1/24th scale cottage - 'The Old Boathouse' - just completed. That Duck Egg Blue paint was certainly a good find - I seem to be using it on just about every house now!

Sunday 1 January 2012

1/12th Scale 'Cobble Cottage'

Happy New Year! This is 'Cobble Cottage', a new 1/12th scale cottage just completed and listed on ebay. Luckily the rain held off long enough for me to go outside and take some photos. This little property would make a great fishing cottage with two spacious rooms inside and room outside for the new owner to sit and mend fishing nets and perhaps grow a few plants - perhaps some dill to add to the freshly caught fish!