Monday 26 March 2012

Another Pink Shop!

I think Paula may have started a trend for pink shops! I was asked to build a shop similar to Paula's but with an attic space above. It was being given as a gift to a friend who just loves pink - so here is my second pink shop! I think the extra floor space above works quite well and this would make a nice cottage or retail business.

Friday 23 March 2012

Cove Cottage gets an Extension!

I made Cove Cottage a few weeks ago and the lady who bought it asked for a small extension to be built to create two more rooms. I posted it off to her a few days ago and she very kindly emailed a photo of the extension standing next to the original cottage. Thank goodness it fit!

1/24th Scale 'Honey Pot Cottage'

This is 'Honey Pot Cottage', my new 1/24th scale cottage, listed on ebay last night (seller name juliefben). I haven't made many 24th scale cottages with an outside space so Honey Pot has a little yard to the right hand side, ideal for keeping potted plants, herbs etc. I also added an inglenook fireplace - again something I haven't done before at this scale. I loved building this house - sometimes everything comes together so well and this was one of those times!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

1/12th Scale 'Lighthouse View'

I really enjoyed making the three little shops for Paula so I made an extra one and here it is - 'Lighthouse View'. I used my favourite duck egg blue paint (again!) and with Julie Lawson's wonderful name plate added I think this would make a great seaside art shop, book shop, tea room - the possibilities are endless! It's on ebay at the moment (my ebay seller name is juliefben) so please take a look.

Sunday 18 March 2012

A Pink Shop for Paula

Paula asked for a third shop to complete her new street of retail businesses and as this was going to be a shabby chic shop she decided to have a change from the usual blues and greens and try pink. I think it's turned out really well and looks lovely next to the other shops. I'm sure the residents of Quayside will appreciate these new businesses in the village and they will be spending their money in them soon!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

1/12th Scale 'The Anchorage'

Gardeners have their sheds - fishermen might have something like 'The Anchorage'. This is a little one roomed property new to the market and ideal for Sam when the weather is too bad for him to go out on his boat. It is just big enough to store his fishing gear, mend his nets, repair lobster pots, listen to the weather forecasts on the radio and perhaps have a sip of the cider he keeps here out of sight of his wife! This would make a great addition for anyone with a seaside cottage already or would be a lovely small project for those collectors short of space. It's on ebay right now - take a look! (Must just mention Sam - made by the wonderful Robin at Coombe Crafts - and the fantastic name plate - made by the very clever Julie Lawton).

Sunday 11 March 2012

A Little 24th Scale Cottage for Ann and Bill

When the lovely Ann and Bill (from 'Just Ann and Bill') saw the little Crocus Cottage I made for my recent giveaway, they asked if I could make something very similar for them to have on their stand at Miniatura. This is the result. I will be taking it down to them at the NEC next Saturday so if you are going to Miniatura and would like to see my cottage along with all the other wonderful handmade items they sell call in at their stall and take a look.

Saturday 10 March 2012

1/24th Scale 'The Priory'

This is 'The Priory', my new 1/24th scale cottage just listed on ebay. I made a slightly bigger version of this cottage a while ago and enjoyed building it so much I thought I would make another - a little bit smaller. This just has two rooms with a false stair and is such a nice size it will sit happily on a shelf or the mantlepiece - that's the beauty of 24th scale!

Friday 9 March 2012

Two Shops Together

Just had to take a photo of the two shops standing side by side as they will be when they are on the shelf in Paula's newly extended Quayside village.

A Second Little Shop

This is the second shop built for Paula and designed to sit on a shelf next to her first shop. These little buildings are great fun to make and hopefully great fun to fill too!!

A Little Shop for Paula

Paula's little village by the sea 'Quayside' is expanding upwards! Having run out of space Paula has decided to add a shelf above the existing village and this is just big enough to house a few small shops. This is the first one. At just twelve inches wide and six inches deep it is small enough to sit happily on the shelf but is also deep enough to contain plenty of stock. I think Paula had been busy making stock already and I suspect it may well be full as soon as it arrives!

Sunday 4 March 2012

Paula's Wonderful Giveaway!

Go and take a look at Paula's wonderful giveaway at She is so clever at making things - whilst you are there have a look at the fantastic family she has made in the last couple of days. Leave her a comment and you will be in with a chance to win some lovely goodies!

Thursday 1 March 2012

And the winner is........

First of all, thank you all for your kind comments and the interest you have shown in my blog and my giveaway. I've just done the draw for my Crocus Cottage giveaway ( I used a random number generator website) and the winner is........ Petra! If you could email me please Petra with your full name and address I will get my little house packed and ready to post to you as soon as possible.