Wednesday 22 August 2012

New Shops for Quayside

Paula asked me recently if I could build some more shops for Quayside - the village was expanding and needed some more retail space. Here are the three ideas I had. We tried out some new colours and also a completely new style in the witches shop - the one on the left hand side of the photo. The shops are on their way up to Scotland now - hope they arrive safely!

Thursday 9 August 2012

1/24th Scale 'Rose Cottage'

This is 'Rose Cottage' a new 24th scale dolls house which I will be listing on ebay later today. A bit of a change from the usual blue or green paintwork this time. I was looking at a Cornish cottage holiday website this week and saw a house there with similar coloured windows and thought it looked quite effective. It seemed to fit nicely with the name too.

Friday 3 August 2012

1/24th Scale 'Beach Cottage'

This is 'Beach Cottage', my new 1/2th scale cottage listed on ebay yesterday. I tried out the new windows made by Malcolm's Miniatures - they are great to use and far more detailed than most 24th scale fittings available. A little bit fiddly to paint but well worth the effort.

Thursday 2 August 2012

1/12th Scale Beach Hut - Again!!

I do like making beach huts! Perhaps it's because they remind me of a lovely holiday we had in Norfolk a few years ago - there was a whole string of huts along the beach in every colour imaginable. This little hut is in 1/12th scale and is on ebay right now (seller name juliefben).