Friday 21 September 2012

1/24th Scale Beach Hut

I know I said I had made the last beach hut of the summer but when a lady contacted me to ask if I could make a hut in 1/24th scale I just had to have a try. It was something I had been thinking of trying for a while but I just wasn't sure I could make something quite so tiny. It was tricky cutting out such small pieces of wood with what felt like a HUGE electric saw without cutting my fingers off but I managed it and here is the result. I found the boat at a fair ages ago and it's travelling along the the hut to a new home today.

Thursday 20 September 2012

1/24th Scale 'Bay View'

This is my latest house - a 1/24th scale Georgian style house called 'Bay View'. The windows and door are from Malcolm's Miniatures and they are wonderful - so finely detailed. Hope you can see Marianne's lovely lavender on the doorstep.

Saturday 15 September 2012

1/12th Scale 'Lifeboat Cottage'

A small building plot became available in Paula's Quayside village so we decided to add an old Lifeboat Station which has been recently converted to a cottage. It has a handmade feature window to the front, a useful double door with additional stable door and two of Paula's favourite round windows (there's one on the side too). It will be travelling up to Paula in Scotland at the start of next week.

1/24th Scale 'Shrimp Cottage'

This is 'Shrimp Cottage' a tiny 1/24th scale one room house. This size of house would be ideal for someone just trying out 24th scale to see if they like it. It would also be great for those miniaturists who are seriously short of space because it can sit happily on a shelf out of the way. Hope you can see the lovely pot of lavender on the doorstep made by the very clever Marianne Cook. Her flowers are so beautiful I am seriously thinking of building a flower shop just so I can buy lots more!

Friday 7 September 2012

The Last Beach Hut of the Summer.....

A bit like seeing the last swallows of the is the last beach hut. A shame really given that the weather seems to have finally turned summery! It's for sale on ebay and etsy at the moment so if you would like a little taste of summer through the winter ahead why not give it a new home??!!

The House With No Name!

I was asked if I could make a house similar to Breakwater Cottage which I built a little while ago and this is the result. It is all packed and ready to travel to it's new home in Edinburgh. Sam had a quick look round the property before I started to pack it. He liked it but as it was already spoken for he decided to have a look in the estate agents window again for a cottage for himself.