Saturday 14 September 2013

1/12th Scale 'Sea View'

I know it's not really holiday time now but this little seaside cottage might just help brighten your winter days. I've called it a cottage but it could easily be used as a shop of some kind. The bay window is perfect for displaying items and the large room inside lends itself to may retail uses - a pottery shop perhaps selling all that lovely blue and white Cornish pottery?

Thursday 5 September 2013

1/12th Scale 'Shabby Chic Shop'

I thought it was time for some pink again so I made this little 1/12th scale 'shabby chic' shop. A great size if you are short of space - this little shop will sit quite easily on a shelf out of the way. The bay window allows for plenty of stock to be displayed. Ideal for showing off all your favourite 1/12th scale items!

1/12th Scale Beach Hut

Yes, I know it's nearly the end of the summer and autumn is approaching quickly but I just had to build one more beach hut. I love beach huts and I thought this 1/12th scale version might brighten the cooler days ahead.

1/24th Scale 'Lavender Cottage'

Although I've called this little 24th scale house 'Lavender Cottage' I really thought it could be used as a shop more than a cottage. That nice big bay window is just calling out for lots of pretty things to display to attract passing customers!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

1/12th Scale 'Wisteria Cottage'

I've fallen way behind with my blog posts - I think our recent holiday left me so relaxed I just can't get back in a routine again! This is Wisteria Cottage. A simple one roomed 1/12th scale cottage with an attic bedroom  above - ideal as a holiday home by the sea or a perfect base for the fisherman when not out on his boat.