Thursday 10 July 2014

The Tree House

My friend Brenda has always wanted a tree house. I always had the idea of building one. When we recently bought a new sink complete with huge amounts of lovely strong cardboard I realised that the time had finally come to have a go at creating this woodland home. I made it completely out of cardboard, paper, plaster and a bit of air drying clay all on a plywood base for stability. It's roughly 1/12th scale with just two rooms inside. I had such a lot of fun making it - getting very sticky, dirty and covered in plaster - I may well make another one.

1/12th Scale 'The Old Post Office'

I bought an old house front at the York Fair - I liked the bay window - then I built the house to go with it. This is the result. I even wallpapered the insides - unusual for me these days as plastering is so much quicker!

Friday 4 July 2014

York Dolls House Fair June 2014

I'm very late posting this photo of my table at the York Fair in June - I can only apologise for my laziness! York is a lovely fair - lots of interesting stalls and a very nice venue. It was my first time there as a seller and I really enjoyed the day meeting lots of people and seeing old friends too. My table was opposite The Miniature Scene of York's table and they had a wonderful display of handmade items. I had several favourite things I planned to buy but as the day went on each item was sold - great for The Miniature Scene of course but not so good for me! Will have to be quicker next time!