Thursday 21 April 2016

And finally......

This is a modern reproduction of a vintage French dolls house I saw in an old magazine. It was sold in the very last few minutes of the Leeds Fair.

Two Cottage Scullery/Kitchen Extensions

Built to take to Leeds but again sold beforehand these little extensions are designed to sit against an existing cottage to add valuable space for a scullery or bathroom perhaps.

A Seaside Bungalow

Another property intended for the Leeds Fair but which sold before the event.

A Shabby Chic Shop for Leeds

This is a French style 'shabby chic' shop which I took to Leeds and which is now in its new home in Newcastle.

Another House to take to the Leeds Fair

I love the big bay window on this cottage - great for displaying special items.

More Stock for the Leeds Fair

This cottage/gallery didn't quite make it as far as the Leeds Fair as it was sold a few days beforehand. I thought it would make a wonderful gallery or a display space for pottery perhaps. 

My Stock for the Leeds Dolls House Fair April 2016

I'm a bit late updating my blog with the houses I took to the Leeds Fair last weekend but I've finally found time to sit down and add them now. This is one of favourite designs. I like the idea of lots of plants in pots up the steps at the front. Red geraniums in terracotta pots.