Friday 8 April 2011

Something a Little Bit Different

I mentioned in an earlier blog entry that I was building a French style house. Here it is. Quite a big house for me really - I usually stick to one or two room cottages so this was a huge project and I don't think I will do anything else this big for a while. I like to be able to move houses around easily - once they get to this sort of size and weight that becomes difficult. Anyway, I enjoyed the building work and the house now lives in Devon. You can just about see the lovely sign by the front door. This was purchased from a very talented maker on etsy (martapellise) and similarly the pot of lavender (Marianne26). Go and have a look at the wonderful things these two clever craftspeople produce. I guarantee you will be tempted to buy!!


  1. what a lovely building, looks wonderful cant wait to see inside xx

  2. What a fabulous house - I'd love to see more pictures too.
