Wednesday 29 February 2012

Remember - Crocus Cottage Giveaway Ends Tomorrow!!!

Just a quick reminder that my giveaway for Crocus Cottage ends tomorrow 1st March so if you haven't already signed up to follow my blog and left a comment you still have time!
The fair at Northwich last Saturday was not a great success I'm afraid. There were plenty of people through the door but nobody was spending very much. All the traders said the same thing. Still, it was a nice day chatting to people and the best bit was finally meeting up with Julie Lawton and her lovely family. It was wonderful to be able to put a face to the name at last and she was just so nice to chat to. It made my day!
If you are interested in any of the houses I took with me to the fair (The Old Watch House, The Sail Loft and Parsley Cottage), they are all on ebay right now (my seller name is juliefben). Take a look!


  1. cruzo los dedos! ...yo también estoy de sorteo si te apetece...

  2. I guess people are still being careful after the financial crisis. It's disappointing to have brought houses home but at least dolls housers have seen your work in person and have you in mind. It's all good advertising. :)

  3. please include me in your giveaway,

  4. How could we forget!?

    It's too awesome! I've got it several places on my blog now XD

  5. Hi Julie,
    Please include me in your giveaway, too.
    I put it on my blog.
    Have a great day,

  6. Que nervios!!! Tendré los dedos cruzados para tener suerte!!!
    Aunque la feria no fue como esperebas, al menos lo pasastes bien en tu reunión familiar.
    Estoy de sorteo en mi blog, pasate a mirar por si te interesa y te gusta.

  7. Me alegro de que hayas disfrutado de la feria.
    Las cosas no estan muy bien y no nos podemos gastar mucho dinero.
    Estoy deseando que llegue el dia del sorteo.
    besitos ascension

  8. Tengo los dedos cruzados, suerte para todas.

  9. My fingers and toes are crossed ;)
    Hugs Maria

  10. Hiya please can i be in your lovely giveaway too, shame about the fair, first time there maybe it has to get a name xx

  11. Hey Julie
    Could you please enter me into the giveaway?
    I'm a partner at 'Southsea Model Village' and it would be a honor to display your cottage in 1 of the new developments that i have planned for 2012.

  12. Hola. no se si ha quedado grabado mi comentario anterior. Me gustaría participar en el sorteo, si es posible. Me gustan mucho tus casas. Gracias.

  13. I cross my fingers, good luck to all!

  14. It's today! I'm sooo excited! I don't win anything... But I can keep my fingers, and toes, and eyes, and everything else crossed! I LOVE this little house! Oh Fate, with your random ability to surprise... Let it be ME! :o)
    Thanks again for the great giveaway!
