Tuesday 13 November 2012

1/24th Scale Beach Hut

I know it's the wrong time of year and certainly the wrong kind of weather to be thinking about the seaside and beach huts but here's a new 1/24th scale hut looking for a new home. I was asked to make one for a customer and made a spare as well. It's on ebay right now and would make a lovely gift!!!
Before I go I must mention a wonderful blog I've just found  http://dollshousediaries.blogspot.co.uk/ Go and have a look at Karon's lovely photographs of her houses. Not that I'm biased at all (!!??!!) but check out her French house and see what she is doing with the interior. It's hard to tell whether the hallway is in a dolls house or a full size house!


  1. Your beach huts are a wonderful creation Julie!! I love the beautiful colour you've painted it in!!
    Vicky xx

  2. au seuil de l'hiver, cette petite cabane de plage est un rayon de soleil !
