Wednesday 24 April 2013

1/12th Scale 'Cockleshell Cottage'

We spent a couple of days down in Kent recently and I fell in love with the lovely clapboarded cottages and the wonderful Kentish Ragstone walling. When we came home I started building this little house. Sam has already had a quick look round and I think he's quite taken with it although there's nowhere to store his fishing gear. This is my first attempt at using the stone compound and stencil technique from Bromley Crafts. It was slow at first but I do like the finished effect. The clapboarding was from J and A Supplies and that was very easy to use - very impressive. Cockleshell is on ebay right now if you would like to take a look.
Sam was made by Robin Britton
The pots of lavender were from Marianne Cook.


  1. Ooooo very nice! In East Sussex the houses have the white planks at the top like that x

  2. Really lovely Julie. I am still deciding what to do with my last two beautiful pieces I have of yours so I really must not be tempted!! And that's without my Diagon Alley project which will be with me for a long time!!

  3. I really like the white painted stone effect with the clapboarding on top. (we call it weatherboard here)

  4. pierres et bois font une très belle façade !
