Tuesday 15 April 2014

A Big Adventure!

I was asked by the organiser of the wonderful Kensington Dolls House Festival if I would like a table there in May. Not an offer you can easily refuse! I have been busy building for the past few weeks and now that I have seen the floor plans for the fair and have located where 'Cottage Creations' will be it all seems very real and coming very quickly! I hope lots of people will come and say hello over the weekend of 17th and 18th May. It's a wonderful fair with lots and lots of lovely things to look at and drool over. It is well worth a visit!


  1. SO glad you'll be there. Hope to see you.

  2. Congratulations Julie, I'm not surprised you've been asked to display your wonderful houses. Good luck, Hazel

  3. Love ... love ... love your wonderful little houses! I came across these on pinterest and fell head over heels! I would love to check out your facebook page and etsy shop, but I am having a problem finding them (not very computer literate) Could you please help? Thank you
