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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

1/24th Scale 'Periwinkle Cottage'

A 24th scale seaside cottage.

1/12th Scale Dutch Style House

I bought a set of windows and a door at the Apeldoorn Dolls House Fair four years ago. They sat in a drawer unused until a few weeks ago when I decided to make a Dutch style house.

1/12th Scale 'Tinner's Cottage'

I know a lot of people like to have proper bathrooms and kitchens in their 1/12th scale houses so I built a four roomed house which provides plenty of space inside.

1/12th Scale 'Newt's Shed'

This really is a first for me. Used to building my tiny cottages being asked to build a 1/12th scale version of 'Newt's Shed' (from J.K. Rowling's latest book/film) was a real test. My customer wanted it left bare so she could finish it herself. This is the result.

1/12th Scale Beach Hut

Not exactly seaside weather at the moment but a customer asked me to make a beach hut and here it is. Ready for the summer!